World Dumbination - Stupidity Ad Infinininitum

Saturday, November 29, 2003

*Insert plural expletive of choice here*

One of the quirks of DVD's that I personally really enjoyed was the lack of trailers for shit at the beginning.

I've only been buying DVD's for what, 3 years now, and bang... they've started to do it.

Mostly on FOX stuff I notice.

Enjoy Causing Pain?

I know I do.

If you do, download these fucking amazing stress relieving games:

Cheers to Dave for chucking them my way.

The latest in Reality TV

Being the genius that I am, I've come up with the latest craze in reality tv.... Tv for people trying to give up smoking.

I give you................. Cigarette Cam!


I've been awake 37 hours now, and I'm still not tired(that'd be the RedBull effect.... so much for me giving that up :|), yet all I can think of is why, why , WHY the fuck does somebody, without fail, every year, try to bootleg a dance remix of the Ghostbusters theme tune?????????????

Friday, November 28, 2003

Today's 2nd Thought of the Day

'The plight of the animator: When you're working it feels monotomously boring, when you're not it feels like you're neglecting work.' Me, today.

Thought of the Day

'Don't put your faith in time, she heals but doesn't change.' The Bluetones - Bluetonic

Which Movie Do You Belong In?

Good Lord...

Ever play Super Mario Bros. 3 on the Nes/on Super Mario All-Stars on the SNES?

Ever complete it in less than 11 minutes?

Here's a man that has.

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Woozle Wuzzle?

Points to anyone who can reference the title ;)

I've got a review of last night's blur gig to come when I've got a bit more time, as well as some pics of it to go into the gallery.

I'm currently waiting for Studio max to complete a 2 hour render, so here's a random image I've created...

Sunday, November 23, 2003

My "two cents"

I stand by my opinion of liking 'Hulk.'

The film still stands up, even on second viewing in the comfort of my own home.

Fuck the critics.
Fuck the majority.

My word is law.
I rule.

A Return Volley (or 'Pong')

ComicsKerouac: You could totally top Phil, with those faux Magic cards
PhlpThomas: I am Phil
ComicsKerouac: ...I wrote Phil instead of Bill. O_O
ComicsKerouac: I'm retarded!
PhlpThomas: *nods*

To prove I've actually left the house this weekend...

The view from outside:

Not bad for taken on my phone.

Saturday, November 22, 2003

Rugby World Cup Champions

Fucking well done to the English Rugby Team!

Well deserved, and hopefully the first of many sporting victories to come.


Saturday Night Do Do Dee Doo Doo Da Da Da - The up's and down's of Baf '03 pt.3

Shit, it's been a whole week and the details are starting to get hazy so I'd better get on with it...

Well Saturday began with an early start...
Mainly because I managed to lock myself out of my room in just me boxers.

Never a fucking good idea.

But hey, that's me.
So, I had to bang on Dave(C)'s door for a bit waking him up. Which y'know, he was chuffed about... honest.
I managed to crash on his chair for a bit, and eventually the warden came and let me back in to my room.

Being awake, we decided to wake the other two up, and set off to watch some animations.

First of all, we went to find where the fuck the lads had been the night before, and to show me this wall that they'd climbed.
We found it pretty easily, right outside the fire exit to the club; they'd literally just walked round following it's walls.

Fucking hell!
Fucking fucking hell!
When they said a wall I thought they just meant like a 7 foot wall that might take a bit of shinning up and over, but no... this wall was like 16 foot tall.
They'd climbed up onto a 7 foot electrical box, then up over the air conditioning box, and then over the top of the wall to the bridge above.
Fucking hell they must have been mental. Or just pissed.
Yup, pissed.

We caught the Producing Masterclass which was a real eyeopener, very interesting and of course got the theme song to Yoko! Jakamoko! Toto! in our heads for the rest of the week.

We then went and caught a film at the IMAX cinema in the building.
Unfortunately we caught the shittest one possible, Ghosts of the Abyss - a documentary about James Cameron and the Titanic.
I took this opportunity to have a nap fer 20 minutes or so. The right choice.

We then went and had some food for the first time in the day, after a fucking mental trek around Bradford.
The city centre makes no sense at all, it's bizarre.
We came back and watched some more animations for a few more hours, and then set off back to the halls to get changed and freshened up.

We then set out to the animation awards after party for a full on night of schmoozing.

However this is what we turned up to.

And the beer was £2.50 a pint.

We stayed for a while, getting some photos in with the tutors, but when it failed to get any livelier Luke (I) and myself fucked off, got back about 1am-ish and went to sleep.

I was next woken up at 4.30am by Dave(F) whose keycard wouldn't let him in to the building.
It turned out that him, the other Dave and Luke had gone to a club after we'd left, dave had already returned, and Luke was still there.

We all got up about 7am the next morning, ready to go and watch the rugby.
Luke had just got in.
Surfice to say we couldn't fucking wake him up for all our efforts.

We went off to watch the rugby, all decked out in England tops, bags in tow, keys handed in and bills paid.
A few dbl vodka and oranges and a sausage and egg mcmuffin at half time was just what the doctor ordered, and I was in my element.
The result helped the day as well ;)

After the rugby we went to do the big group photo thing, Luke finally joining us in the land of living.

The weekend was only spoiled by the final down, losing the football....

Less said about that the better.

Because it's about time I did this:

PhlpThomas: Hmm..
ComicsKerouac: Heh
PhlpThomas: ?
ComicsKerouac: *shrug*
PhlpThomas: *nods*

Who said the art of conversation was dead?

Psychological Quagmire

Okay, since venting the below I've actually done quite a lot of work...

I'm gonna do that more often methinks.

Rutville; Population:You

It's one of those days.

I finally feel human after the last 3 days of shittyness, and I'm behind on everything.
But I really can't be bothered.

I have all these grand schemes and ideas in my head, yet they never ever come out right.
Everything's just grey and numb.
I can't quite do what I want to do, and what I actually do do looks substandard.
And it just saps the will out of me.

I enjoy doing things, I'm not unhappy.
I just can't engage in anything that I can excell at. Or make a profit from.

I'm happy just sitting in my armchair and falling asleep.
I'm happy just clicking refresh on a browser window for a few hours.

Yet there's shit million and one things I know I'm putting off.
I want to do them, I really truly do want to do them, but when I do them and fail it just sends me spiralling backwards. It crushes my spirit so much that I just can't be bothered.

I'm rambling now, repeating my words that weren't exactly original or interesting in the first place.

Fuck knows, maybe it's better to just fail without putting in effort, than to try my hardest and fuck up at the last hurdle.

There's always Christmas shopping to take my mind off it.

Possibly the greatest photo of me..... ever!

I really fucking like this... Cheers to Dave for taking it.

Friday, November 21, 2003

Still feel like shit, so here's another pretty picture for you all...

Thursday, November 20, 2003



I'm as ill as fuck today, been throwing up blood all night and boy does blood stain...

So I'm in too much of a shitty mood to write much, so part 3 of Bradford shall have to come tomorrow.

However, this made me laugh. A lot. Call me sick if you will, but have a read through some of the replies.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Separated at birth?

Things To Do In Bradford When You're Dead - The up's and down's of BAF '03 pt.2

We set off out of the union to find a magical inn that the barman mantioned where lager was 90p a pint to students.
I'd set my eyes upon an ashtray, called it and successfully managed to pilfer it, undetected.
Luke went over to the cash machine and I hid my new toy in the bushes for reclaiming later.

We found a road on the left that we presumed was the one with said inn on it, so set off down it. There was a burger van on the corner so Dave(C) gave it a bit of a banging on the back with his fists and began singing football chants. The occupier of the van was starting to get a bit annoyed, so Luke told him there was no banging and that he was imagining it... I'm still not sure how that one worked....

We carried on walking down the road, which had now turned into a full on downwards hill, Dave still chanting at the top of his breath.
We managed to see a pub at the bottom. Only fuck knew if it was the right one, but it was a pub nonetheless so we steered towards it,
However, as we managed to see the pub, we saw a bouncer who had managed to see us. And hear us (ie; Dave) coming from a fair bit away.
He was told to calm it down, and seemingly did so in we went, got a round of bottles in and sat down to the watchful eyes of the whole seemingly inbred local pub community.

Over the drinks topics and conversations flowed as freely as the liquor and it wasn't too long before drinking games and banging of bottles became the order of the evening(bear in mind it's still only about 9pm).
This led to a, erm how shall I put it, exceedingly damp table.
A large barmaid came over and began wiping things up.
At this point I went to the bar to get my round in so missed the next kerfuffle.

Apparantly a barman had come over and just threw some paper towels on the table and told them to clean it up themselves.
Dave(yup, C funnilly enough) took offence to this and threw them at him.

So, just as I'm about to order I see the bouncer politely asking them all to leave.
And for once, I do actually mean politely. Dave was allowed to finish his drink first and the bloke chatted to him all the way out.
We left and set up to walk up the hill, an act which took us a lot longer than it did coming down. Gravity, gradients and alcohol are funny like that.

We ended up walking past the place we started at still with no clue where to go, so went for the usual when in doubt - asked a random person walking, in this case two females and a male roughly our age.
As luck and cosmic coincedence had it, they were going to the place we wanted to be going, and offered to accompany us there. Or at least let us follow them. Or something to that extent.
Luke immediately engaged in conversation with one of the females and we set off.

On the way to the club our new friends needed the cash machine, so we stopped off.
Right outside the large sculpture we'd seen earlier in the day.
There's been talk of climbing it, or at least throwing me onto the top of it, and now under the influence of alcohol Dave (Need you ask which one?) decided to climb it.
This was of course an act that only I could remember the next day, and if not for the photographic evidence the other Dave took (and forgot about) and the large scrapes and grazes over dave's arms, I would never have been believed.

The passers by took us to the pub, and we got there at about 10pm.

As it was closing :|

Dave(C again) wanted a drink, which was fair enough. But the barman refused to serve him. Even when he showed him his newly formed scrapes.

Luke was still busy on the offensive with said female, so myself and the other Dave(F) went for a wonder, and found the actual club we were supposed to be going to, adjacent to the pub that was closing. Closing because the club was opening.

WE went down to find a pretty huge basement type club, complete with pool tables.

After finding Dave and Luke, the boys began an epic pool game, which would last about 3 hours and almost got quite heated at one point, due to the cheating bastards they were playing.
Bradford rules are apparantly different to the rest of the planet's.

Not wanting to get a pool cue wrapped around my head I set off to my second home; the dance floor.
And basically stayed there for the next three hours, popping back every now and again.

It was at about this three hours later point when I looked round and the other three had gone.
The bastards.
Apparantly they had tried to tell me, but there we go.

I set off, trying to work out how the fuck to get home.
Luckily my sense of direction is pretty good, and my near photographic memory is always a help.
And it's usually heightened when under the influence for some reason.
I walked back off to where I hid my ashtray, fetched myself a double half pounder from the burger van from the start of the night, and walked back to halls, expecting to find the lads there eager to take the piss.

But they weren't.

I'd find out later that they'd taken one hell of a wrong turn and ended up at a dead end, faced by a wall. Rather than just walk back Luke and Dave(C) climbed over it, and it was quite big apparantly. The other Dave just walked round it.
They then proceeded to walk past and knock on the door of every other halls of residence they passed.
I'm still not sure if it was out of trying to find people and be friendly or if they wanted to know if that was where they were staying.
Long and short of it, they almost got into a ruck with an Irishman.
Fuck knows how they didn't, but they didn't.

They eventually got back to the halls and we all swapped stories.

The other Luke eventually turned up and informed us all that after we'd gone he'd bumped into one of the few nurses still in the building and he'd gone to a houseparty with her.
The bastard....

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Rollercoaster Malpractice-The up's and down's of BAF '03 pt.1

(All photos taken from photofools, which is where I often get recollections of nights out, the next day)

Well... BAF '03 is over and done with now, and can only be described as a rollercoaster of emotions for me.

The coach ride basically consisted of myself, Dave(Fullick), Luke(Ives) and Dave(Clayton) pissing about at our rightful place that is the back seat. And yep, with two Dave's and two Lukes (the other gets mentioned later) we had some confusion. Though with a bunch of boring bastards filling up the rest of the coach and a proper arsey coach driver, we didn't get that much done.
As we pulled into Bradford... well, the place looked a shithole. And the place pissing down with rain didn't help.
A [sarcasm]quick[/sarcasm] walk later and we ended up at the housing office of the place we were staying for the next few days.
We managed to swing all getting rooms in the same building after a bit of shuffling.
Our building was a pokey little place that Luke remarked looked like a nursing home or something.
A quick glace to the sign pointed out that it was indeed the NHS nursing wing of the university.
We were indeed in a building full of nurses.
Smiles were funnilly enough on Dave(F) and Luke's faces.

We settled in for a bit, created a bit of flurry with the female nurses and went for a few viewings of animations.
We saw the work of the amazing studio aka, responsible for a great deal of commercials on British TV, and well worth a viewing. The one thing I have to complain about is that the place was so cramped and hot and I ended up havoing a claustrophobic attack and having to go out for some water.
Dave(C) simply had a sleep for a bit.

After this, we felt that our animation viewing quota for the day had been fulfilled so set off for the offy and back to our rooms.
With this we learnt the majority of the nurses had gone away for the week, a fact which didn't bother me and I found quite funny ;)
We settled in to the lounge with a few bottles and tinnys and started playing football with a giant inflatable beachball.
During the hour or so of this, Dave (C - I'm getting pissed off with all these names, y'know) and Luke managed to dent a few ceiling tiles temporarily.
I was having a good old chuckle about this, remarking about the fact I hadn't dented anything, when KER-SMASH - One lampshade crashed to the floor and shattered into millions of tiny pieces.

*Exit everyone bar me*

I started cleaning up, and Luke came back and helped me out.
We got the place looking tidy and as if nothing had happened (bar the lack of one lightshade obviously), I chucked the rubbish out and we left it at that.

We then got togged up and set out, bumping into the other Luke(Miller).
He was gonna catch us up in town, as he wasn't ready.

We set off to the student union, which was literally about double the size of my front room, and just as devoid of life.
However a double vodka and VK ice cost £2, and there was a sofa and a copy of Metal Slug 2 the arcade machine at 30p a go.

We acquired the sofa, however there was a point when as soon as Luke got up to use the toilet a strange man came and sat on it next to me, straight away. I then made it my object of the night to piss him off till he left.
Ten minutes later, objective achieved ;)
One round each and much football talk later... we left.

The night was young, and held much more...

Thursday, November 13, 2003

Leave of absence

Just letting people know I'll be away for the next three days, as I'm off to take part in this years Bradford Animation Festival.

I'll let you all know how it goes after. ;)

And of course, Rugby and Football on Sunday... a great way to cap the weekend.

RE:Spammage To The Max

A couple of choice replies from the lovely Boo;

Do I believe in God?: No you are God

What was your first impression of me upon meeting?: I went with the opinion I would hate you... but I was surprised when I didnt!

Do you remember one of the first things I said to you?: alright...

And as simple and down to earth as that, that's why she's a mate.

Matrix Revolutions

Right... let's start off by saying I was no huge fan of the first film.

I enjoyed it, I own it, it doesn't make my greatest films ever list, yet it doesn't make my worst.
In a lot of ways I preferred the second to the first.

And, I enjoyed this film.

It stayed away from all the metaphorical/physical quasi-bollocks that the 2nd was full of, which was a good thing.

Yet it seemed to suffer from 'Star Wars 1-3 syndrome.' IE: you need to have seen the first 2 films to appreciate it, as it really doesn't stand up as a film in it's own right. Much like I could only enjoy Phantom Menace/Attack of the Clones because of the in references to the original trilogy. As individual films they lacked. A lot.
Anyway, back to the film in hand; as the closing part to a trilogy maybe that's the point, I don't know.

I do reckon that the second and third could have been compressed into one film though.
Yet that would have spoilt the homages.

A lot of people expected Reloaded to be just like the first, that was why they disliked it, I always saw it, and this, for what it was supposed to be, with each film homaging different aspects and genres that the Wachowski's love.

The first was a science fiction film and a kung fu film.
The second a cowboy/samurai film and a road movie.
The third an epic war film.

In that respect the films worked for me.

Revolutions was set mainly in the real world, counterbalancing the other two nicely. The first mainly in The Matrix, the second an equal amount in both.

In fact, sitting here typing all this out is making me realise how well they actually work as a trilogy, but again that indicates the need of watching them all together back to back and that as incividual films the second two fail.

The scene with all the exo-suit's lining up for battle.... hell, tell me that wasn't something every film fan's been waiting for since Aliens.

Aside from that, there wasn't an overuse of F/X, something which Reloaded tended to fall on it's face a bit in.

I have to admit that there was a small choke in my throat and a tear in my eye when the runtish kid saved the day.
Oh no, hang about, I didn't....
He was blatantly set up as being a loser in the second one and this one just to not 'spoil' the moment which I couldn't possibly ever predict... honest....

Moving on, Neo being blinded... hmm, one of the worst visual representations since Arbie cutting his own eye out in Terminator, you'd think make up would have improved by now.

And aww, Trinity died... boo fucking hoo, like we didn't see that one coming.
And all of that's without mentioning the little girl and the sunset scene...

But let's sum things up, as ever;
I enjoyed the film.
The war was as epic as it should have been, and visually the film was amazing.
The Oracle's part in the storyline throughout the three is clarified within this, and her reasons for her part given.
And as I've already stated a fine addition to the trilogy.

But as always, with most movies these days, the ending was very lacklustre.
Essentially there wasn't much of an explanation or conclusion for anything.
For Neo.
For Smith.
For a lot of it.

It really is one of those things where you have to have seen the Animatrix, and played the game and read the Comics to understand the whole explanation behind the original war and everyone's part within it.

And to be fair, while I enjoy the mediums involved the milking the cash cow franchisability of it all annoys me.

Or, as my girlfriend Sam put it "Just more bloody Star Trek with a Little House on The Prairie ending"

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)

Ok, I went and saw this almost a week ago now, and have been a bloody slack cunt at typing this up.

That might well say a lot.

I'd watched the original on the old moving picture box as a kiddiewink, God knows how or when, and to be fair that didn't scare me then.

This version was much the same.

The original was more implied fear, and almost disturbing, and was scary for the time and context that it came out at.
By today's standards it's not scary, but it's always important to think about the period of originality when watching "classic" films. And yes Mike, you've now got me talking about period pieces, you bastard :P

The remake seems to try to have a lot more shock tactic moments, and for that there are moments when the plot of the original goes out the window and it turns more into a homage based on the idea of rather than a remake;

Cue bloke with chainsaw and mask made of skin.
Cue carnage.

Showing the villain (Leatherface)'s actual face was unexpected, and I don't think it came across well. It didn't make him look grotesque enough, and almost made for sympathy. Not sure if that was the point though, so shall leave it at that.

The whole police footage file scenes annoyed me... and the whole story based on the survivor's account... which y'know explains how the story parts when she wasn't there can be told, yeah?

But hey, I'm just biased against remakes I suppose.

It still weren't a bad film, just nothing special in this day and age.
Yet few things are these days.

Monday, November 10, 2003

More spammage to the max...

SURVEY WITH A TWIST YOU fill in the blanks about ME and send it back to ME,

But first send a blank one out to all your friends so they can return the favour to you.
Be honest - they're really SCARY to get back. It only takes a
few minutes, so just do it!!

1st: Send this survey to everyone you know to see how well he or she
knows you.
2nd: Fill this survey out about the person who sent it to you and send
it back to them...Your name:

Where did we meet?:

Take a stab at my middle name:

How long have you known me?:

Do I smoke?:

Do I believe in God?:

What was your first impression of me upon meeting?:

What's my age?:

And my birthday?:

What colour hair do I have?:

And colour eyes:

Do I have any siblings?:

Have you ever had a crush on me?:

What's one of my favourite things to do?:

Do you remember one of the first things I said to you?:

What's my favourite type of music?

What is the best feature about me?:

Would you say I am funny?:

Am I a rebel or do follow all the rules?:

Any special talents?

Would you consider me a friend?:

Have you ever seen me cry?:

If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be?:

What's your favourite memory of me?:

If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what one thing would you want to take with us?:

Feel free to fill it in and mail it to me, if it's amusing I'll copy n paste, if not it gets clicked to the bin.
I won't however reply to any.

Because I'm a bastard like that.

Sunday, November 09, 2003

Spam of the Day

Okay, so it's not bad enough that I get spam e-mail messages to my inbox's and junk mail to my home address, but now I'm getting junk text messages to my mobile phone:

'Almost 150 weddings through MobileMatch... and 739 divorces. Just txt "GO" and find your perfect partner. To opt out txt back "STOP". POBOx 39822 W11 1NX'
From: +447781478222

Please tell me I'm not the only one to find that slightly disturbing?

Thursday, November 06, 2003

Photoshoppin' across the universe...

Have just uploaded some pics to the gallery that I took in Brum yesterday, along with some editing I've done to them;

Reality TV's funeral march begins here?

Former California gubernatorial candidate Mary Carey and Free Will Humping leading lady Tabitha Stevens will host the eight-episode, porn-star show, to debut on iN DEMAND and other pay-per-view outlets January 8. Industry legend Ginger Lynn will head a panel of distinguished judges who collectively have appeared in the likes of Whore of the Worlds and Thai Me Up.

Billed as "the natural evolution" of the reality-TV boom, Can You Be a Porn Star? will track 28 women as they move, four at a time, into a Los Angeles home and endure a "gauntlet of interviews, photo shoots, challenges and surprises." Less this sound a bit too ABC Family Channel, the producers promise the show will be chockfull of "uninhibited nudity."

The winner will receive a one-year video contract, $100,000 and all the...Well, we really shouldn't get into that here.

In a statement Monday, producer Harry Feingold promised Can You Be a Porn Star? will be fun for the whole family--make that, the whole adult family. "We think [the show] will become an enjoyable, addictive series not just for men, but for wives and girlfriends who enjoy both reality TV and adult entertainment," Feingold said.

Mwah ha ha ha...

Having a pint is good for your brain

MEN NOW HAVE a good excuse to go to the pub with their mates - it is good for their brains.
Middle-aged people should ensure that they remain active and remain engaged

Researchers say that social activities, such as evening classes, chess and even going to the pub can help maintain mental agility.

Middle-aged women appeared to benefit slightly less from the same activities.

The team from University College, London, say their work shows that people should not simply resign themselves to losing cognitive skills as they age.

Researchers questioned about 5,350 civil servants aged between 35 and 55 about their leisure habits.

They were asked if they participated in any of 13 activities, ranging from those which required a low cognitive effort - such as DIY and housework - to those which required high cognitive effort - such as cultural visits and evening classes.

Participants were then given recognised cognition tests in verbal memory, mathematical reasoning, vocabulary and verbal fluency.

Taking part in activities which needed a high level of concentration or social interaction were associated with better cognitive ability than individual activities which needed little effort.

Men also seemed to benefit more from these kind of activities than women - perhaps, say the researchers, because women get their cognitive stimulation from social interactions more linked to caring activities which were not covered in the research.

They conclude that seeking mental stimulation may have a beneficial effect on cognition in middle age.

Dr Archana Singh-Manoux, who led the research, said: 'We believe that what you do will matter, it will matter throughout your life. Middle-aged people should ensure that they remain active and remain engaged.'

Metro 6/11/03

What The Fuck???

In the paper today....

Taken from today's Metro Newspaper:

I'm seriously considering applying... and I reckon I know some people out there reading this that'd be great too...

Help needed....

Okay, I need help on a few things and seeing as I'm here....

a) Does anyone have any .avi format clips of any old Nike adverts, preferably with the "Just Do It" slogan, or any of the Gap Khaki adverts?

b) Is anyone here an actor or drama student capable of (or just anyone else willing to give it a go) recording a small voice-over for an animation and e-mailing it over, preferably .mp3 format, 16 bit stero, 44khz, uncompressed, from a script to be completed and sent over within the next fortnight?

It's HipFlask time...

Oh yes, another image fresh to my inbox...

Goddamnit Ladronn can draw....

Take a look for yourselves at

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Running with that train of thought...

(you'll need to read the previous entry for this)

Take Arthur Dent of H2G2 lore.

At least he could at least make bread.

I'd be fucked. I can't even make bread.
I can tell you it's got summit to do with flour or summit like that.
But basically if all technology was gone, and I had to try and bring the Earth back to an age of technological wonder, the place'd be fucked.
We'd all be living in caves.

I mean, I could survive on my own skills in the wild or summit. In theory I even know how to make fire. I've never tried the whole rubbing two sticks together thing, so can't even state that I'd be able to make fire.

It's simple things that I use everyday.
Records, Cd's... I know the theory behind them, to an extent, but still for the life of me can't work out how sound can be imprinted onto something. And then there's rewritable mediums such as cassettes. I mean fucking hell... I can program a VCR, I can create a website, I can talk to people on the other side of the world through a PC, but basic science goes over my head.

Fuck knows how the internet works.
And I've been told. Many times. But it still amazes me.

And I'm quite happy in my sheltered little life, being amazed by little things.

The world never ceases to amaze me

Take this for instance:

I mean, I know all the science behind it.
I know, on paper, how and why we have rainbows.

Yet I still can't get me head round it.
Or at least I choose not to.

I've never been one of these inquisitive people that need to know how everything works. If something happens, it happens, why bother trying to justify and explain it with science.
Well, that's not strictly true. It's more a case of how can people know for sure. How can people base their whole life round science, just because it seems to fit. I mean there was a point when scientists believed the world was flat, correct?
And yes, I know that's an extremely tired and worn out point to this debate.

Yet on the other hand, I don't believe in ghosts and all that, simply because there's no physical proof or eveidence. That I've seen anyway.

So I'm more a case of seeing is believing, even if not understanding.

And I'm happy with that.

Seeing as I'm in a posting mood... last sketch before I turn in for the night. Make of it what you will.

Duh me

The clocks went back over a week ago, and I've only just noticed I hadn't changed the time on this. What a fucking pratt...

Fucking Women!!!

Why is it I can't draw females?

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

or LXG to save me typing that all the time.

To start off with, I've never read LXG, so had no expectations or anything.
As scandalous as it is for a comics reader, I haven't read much Alan Moore stuff.

Due to the excessive gap in the release schedules between the US and the UK, I'd managed to hear a lot of reviews of it, and a lot of my friends opinions, and the general concencous was that the film was nothing special and tended to be almost pompous and exaggerated.

I however did enjoy it.
As I say, maybe it's because I've never read the original comics.

The plot was nothing spectacular, extremely predictable, but in a fun "yarn" sort of way. And I'm sure there's some deep and meaningful sub-theme about the nature of fiction, comics and superheroes in general.
The character interaction was what the film was all about, and it worked well, possibly even well enough to tempt me to read the trade.
I shall have to get round to actually registering at the library first though. Heh, only been living here two years now and still haven't joined.

There isn't a part that stands out as being the best, or even memorable in my mind, and I can't say I'd pay to see it again/buy it, but it was entertaining enough, and not one of those films where I'm looking at my watch every few minutes waiting for the end. The time just went by, without having to think too hard or get too involved in the plot.

And occasionally that's just the kind of film I need.

Monday, November 03, 2003

Warning: Ant Problem?

I've been back less than 12 hours and made a few posts, and one thing I've noticed is that in all of them I've gone overboard with punctuation.

Like this......

Or this......

Fuck knows what it is I'm trying to do. It's not exactly creating tension or suspense.

I'm doing it everywhere though. On here, in pm's, in text messages.

I almost did it at the end of that sentence, fuck knows why.

Work in progress....

Okay, so here are some of the initial character designs I've done for an animation I'm working on...

Not quite sure where they're going, but there we go....

Belated Wishes

Have had this on my camera for a while now...

Taken and edited by my own fair hand.....

If ya do see this, hope ya had a goodun luv ;)

The wanderer returns....

Yup, after yet another noticeable absence, I've returned and shall restart restart carrying on restarting to update more.... kinda thing.

I've been back down visiting my childhood town/city, and well.. I've got fuckloads to rant about over the next few days, despite forgetting about half of what I was going to say.

Plus I've probably got a few pics to go up.