We set off out of the union to find a magical inn that the barman mantioned where lager was 90p a pint to students.
I'd set my eyes upon an ashtray, called it and successfully managed to pilfer it, undetected.
Luke went over to the cash machine and I hid my new toy in the bushes for reclaiming later.
We found a road on the left that we presumed was the one with said inn on it, so set off down it. There was a burger van on the corner so Dave(C) gave it a bit of a banging on the back with his fists and began singing football chants. The occupier of the van was starting to get a bit annoyed, so Luke told him there was no banging and that he was imagining it... I'm still not sure how that one worked....
We carried on walking down the road, which had now turned into a full on downwards hill, Dave still chanting at the top of his breath.
We managed to see a pub at the bottom. Only fuck knew if it was the right one, but it was a pub nonetheless so we steered towards it,
However, as we managed to see the pub, we saw a bouncer who had managed to see us. And hear us (ie; Dave) coming from a fair bit away.
He was told to calm it down, and seemingly did so in we went, got a round of bottles in and sat down to the watchful eyes of the whole seemingly inbred local pub community.
Over the drinks topics and conversations flowed as freely as the liquor and it wasn't too long before drinking games and banging of bottles became the order of the evening(bear in mind it's still only about 9pm).
This led to a, erm how shall I put it, exceedingly damp table.
A large barmaid came over and began wiping things up.
At this point I went to the bar to get my round in so missed the next kerfuffle.
Apparantly a barman had come over and just threw some paper towels on the table and told them to clean it up themselves.
Dave(yup, C funnilly enough) took offence to this and threw them at him.
So, just as I'm about to order I see the bouncer politely asking them all to leave.
And for once, I do actually mean politely. Dave was allowed to finish his drink first and the bloke chatted to him all the way out.
We left and set up to walk up the hill, an act which took us a lot longer than it did coming down. Gravity, gradients and alcohol are funny like that.
We ended up walking past the place we started at still with no clue where to go, so went for the usual when in doubt - asked a random person walking, in this case two females and a male roughly our age.
As luck and cosmic coincedence had it, they were going to the place we wanted to be going, and offered to accompany us there. Or at least let us follow them. Or something to that extent.
Luke immediately engaged in conversation with one of the females and we set off.
On the way to the club our new friends needed the cash machine, so we stopped off.
Right outside the large sculpture we'd seen earlier in the day.
There's been talk of climbing it, or at least throwing me onto the top of it, and now under the influence of alcohol Dave (Need you ask which one?) decided to
climb it.
This was of course an act that only I could remember the next day, and if not for the photographic evidence the other Dave took (and forgot about) and the large scrapes and grazes over dave's arms, I would never have been believed.
The passers by took us to the pub, and we got there at about 10pm.
As it was closing :|
Dave(C again) wanted a drink, which was fair enough. But the barman refused to serve him. Even when he showed him his newly formed scrapes.
Luke was still busy on the offensive with said female, so myself and the other Dave(F) went for a wonder, and found the actual club we were supposed to be going to, adjacent to the pub that was closing. Closing because the club was opening.
WE went down to find a pretty huge basement type club, complete with pool tables.
After finding Dave and Luke, the boys began an
epic pool game, which would last about 3 hours and almost got quite heated at one point, due to the cheating bastards they were playing.
Bradford rules are apparantly different to the rest of the planet's.
Not wanting to get a pool cue wrapped around my head I set off to my second home;
the dance floor.
And basically stayed there for the next three hours, popping back every now and again.
It was at about this three hours later point when I looked round and the other three had gone.
The bastards.
Apparantly they had tried to tell me, but there we go.
I set off, trying to work out how the fuck to get home.
Luckily my sense of direction is pretty good, and my near photographic memory is always a help.
And it's usually heightened when under the influence for some reason.
I walked back off to where I hid my ashtray, fetched myself a double half pounder from the burger van from the start of the night, and walked back to halls, expecting to find the lads there eager to take the piss.
But they weren't.
I'd find out later that they'd taken one hell of a wrong turn and ended up at a dead end, faced by a wall. Rather than just walk back Luke and Dave(C) climbed over it, and it was quite big apparantly. The other Dave just walked round it.
They then proceeded to walk past and knock on the door of every other halls of residence they passed.
I'm still not sure if it was out of trying to find people and be friendly or if they wanted to know if that was where they were staying.
Long and short of it, they almost got into a ruck with an Irishman.
Fuck knows how they didn't, but they didn't.
They eventually got back to the halls and we all swapped stories.
The other Luke eventually turned up and informed us all that after we'd gone he'd bumped into one of the few nurses still in the building and he'd gone to a houseparty with her.
The bastard....