World Dumbination - Stupidity Ad Infinininitum

Tuesday, March 30, 2004


Internet music piracy has no negative effect on legitimate music sales, according to a study released today by two university researchers that contradicts the music industry's assertion that the illegal downloading of music online is taking a big bite out of its bottom line......

Very interesting reading.

Currently Playing: Vibes & Wishdokta - Sing It Loud

Mario Does The Matrix

Quality stuff as ever.

I really should look at ripping and animating sprites sometime....

Currently Playing: D-Zyne - Digital Havoc


Ya gotta love it...

Sick, Twisted, Bizarre, Perverted. So very me.

Pop Up Stopper advised.

Currently Playing: Dok - Dark Half (Instrumental)

Monday, March 29, 2004


I'm working in charcoal and ink all day.
I knew I was going to be.
I'm going to be for the next 6 weeks.
So what do I go and do?

Wear a fucking white long sleeved top.

I am such a fucking moron.

Sunday, March 28, 2004

The state of the war tonight.

It's been an odd weekend.
After leaving Sam's yesterday I did a little bit of shopping, came home, caught up on Saturday's entries here and on the net generally and then time just seemed to go....
I've got no clue what I did, but I know I tried to watch Scanners and failed and planned to watch Twin Peaks S1 and failed.
I was feeling tired pretty early and tried to get some sleep, but alas I failed at that too.
I think I only got about ten minutes sleep in the end, I thought I got more but forgot about putting the clocks forward before I went to sleep.

So, I've been up for quite a while this weekend... and yet I'm feeling pretty good for it.

Today I've got three loads of washing done, got a couple of scenes edited and cut, and managed to chat shit for a lot of the day, in between waiting for renders and exports.

Now I'm sitting watching Charlie And The Chocolate Factory.
Fuck knows why, it's like heroin for the eyes I think.

Life's strange.
So are Oompa Loompa's though, so it all balances out.

We miss you, Rich....

mattamus2000: One night, we stole an American flag from a business, and I slept with it as a sheet in my bed.
worlddumbination: I think I read that
mattamus2000: Ooops
mattamus2000: You are right
mattamus2000: I either told you while I was drunk or you readit
worlddumbination: both prolly
mattamus2000: You're always there for me when I'm drunk
worlddumbination: It's true
worlddumbination: except for when I'm not
mattamus2000: It really is
mattamus2000: Which is sad
worlddumbination: either me or rich
mattamus2000: That's true
mattamus2000: Except that Rich hasn't
mattamus2000: been on for awhile
worlddumbination: aye
worlddumbination: he has a life now
mattamus2000: Bastard
worlddumbination: Bastard
micah42_2000: Bastard

Currently Playing: Oasis - Angel Child (Demo)

From the book of Mike...

micah42_2000: I'm gonna leave my cig on the desk and be right back - last time I did it I burnt a hole in my plastic desk
worlddumbination: so, the moral of that story was 'no harm done, do it again'?

Oh yes...

Saturday, March 27, 2004

Oh Sammo..

How your pot-bellied martial art antics make me laugh.

And quite frankly the highlight of my tv viewing day today.


I'm gonna go to bed after methinks.

Dawn of the Dead (2004)

I'll start off by owning up to something; I haven't seen the original DOTD.
That I know of.
There's a chance I may have at some point without knowing it and it's just blended in.
I've watched a lot of classic horror late at night over the years.

So, basically I don't know how much of the praise to give to the original and how much to give to this adapted re-written screenplay.

So I'm not gonna bother.

I enjoyed the film a lot.
I like seeng horror films on the big screen.
Obviously I wasn't old enough to see the classics in this format so I enjoy the chance to see modern horror films in this way.
Lately though I haven't seen anything that I can actually class as horror.
Everything's had these Evil Dead-esque comedy moments that fuck the film up for me.
DOTD doesn't have too many of these, which probably explains why I enjoyed it.
There were a couple of predictable moments that were groanworthy, but overall it wasn't bad to watch.
The acting was pretty good too, not wooden or over the top IMO.

If I had to find something to pick at it'd be the selection of music used within the film, the majority of which I really didn't feel fitted.

The ending credits were nice to watch though, a different approach to presenting them.

And yes, being a horror film it has the obligatory tit-shots, so you can all rest easy.

Party Monster

Recently Sam and I managed to catch a 'Directors Chair' screening (meaning take an 'arthouse' film that was only on general release for like a week, and then show it one evening when there's fuck all else on) of Party Monster.
This was something we'd both wanted to see and missed, so were glad when we got the chance.

Party Monster tells the tale of the rise of club kid Michael Alig, played here by Macaulay Culkin.

We'd both seen a documentary on the events surrounding Alig a while back, so knew what to expect, and basically knew everything that happened.

I still really enjoyed the film, filling in the bits that the documentary didn't actually have footage on (funilly enough), using James St James' Disco Bloodbath as a plot source.

There are some odd moments within the film that transferred really well to the screen in the over the top manner and style that they were actually done in.

I'd recommend that anyone who doesn't have a clue what I'm on about check this film, or the book, or the 'shockumentary' out. Even if just for the pure 'What the fuck??' factor.

Seth Green made the film for me, with his camper than Christmas acting.
Culkin still looks about ten though.

Lost In Translation

Okay, so when I eventually got round to seeing this film I'd heard a lot of good things about it.
Not enough to spoil it for me, although to be fair there wasn't that much to be spoilt.

I wasn't too impressed by it all though.
I'm still not sure whether I liked it or disliked it.
Speaking with people since they've raved about the characterisation, but to me the characterisation alone wasn't strong enough to make it a good film.

The beginning third of the film seemed to me to just be nothing but really slow moving clichéd cultural stereotype.
This was probably the point, I'm sure, but it was just overdone.

The second third I really enjoyed, the plot started moving and it actually became quite a touching tale, with some funny moments and stuff to think about and relate too. Concepts of finding one's place in the world stood out a lot.

But then came the final third where it all disintergrated into sloppy forbiden romance, negating all the positives of the previous third.

Looking back at it now, the only real positive I have about it was that the audio was really well done.
Crisp and clear and atmospheric enough for the film.

Rut Etiquette

A rant.


So yesterday we went to see Dawn Of The Dead.
I'll review it in a bit, along with some more films I've been piling up.

My rant is the fact that although this film was an 18 certificate, the place was full of 12 year old kids.

Now, I have no problem at all with underage children seeing adult films.
I don't give a shit about their desensitization. I don't believe that film violence creates serial kills and all that bollocks.
I probably would have tried to go see it had I been 12.

But I'm not.
And even if I was I wouldn't sit there and fucking draw attention to myself by fucking talking all the way through, and going to the toilet, repeatedly, in groups of three, holding hands all the way. Okay, maybe I'd have to be female for that last part.


An update type thing

I've been pretty thin on updates lately, I know, so apologies.
Basically, I'm gonna be quiet for the next six weeks, probably only updating at weekends, if that.
The rest of the week I'm chained to a lightbox, high on fixative spray.
Oh what fun...

Currently Playing: Moloko - Fun For Me

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Because seizures are fun!

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Prepare for a headfuck!!!

Title: Stray Toasters
Log line: A mentally unbalanced detective investigates a series of strange murders of housewives and their young children. His investigation leads him to believe that the killer may not be human.
Writer: Bill Sienkiewicz, Jeff Renfroe and Marteinn Thorsson
Agent: n/a
Buyer: The Orphanage
Price: n/a
Genre: Futuristic Thriller
Logged: 3/22/04
More: To be adapted from Sienkiewicz's graphic novel. Amy Israel, R.D. Robb, Renfroe, Thorsson and Sienkiewicz will produce. Jeff Renfroe and Marteinn Thorsson will direct.

Yup, Bill Sienkiewicz's Stray Toasters is to be turned into a film.
The original Epic series was one of the most amazing things that I've ever read, plot and visual wise.
If this comes off, it's gonna be amazing.

Saturday, March 20, 2004

Fuck. Just fuck..

Two anti-war protesters kicked off a day of protest by scaling Big Ben and refusing police requests to come down.

Yeah, I know

We're back here again...

Apologies for the faffing about, but it's worth it. and things are in the works to sort it out soon :D

Friday, March 19, 2004

Because John's a simpleton...

Battle Hymn

I've had a fair few searches for the Battle Hymn (formerly known as Anthem) project by B.Clay Moore and Jeremy Haun, which is shaping up to be a very fucking cool thing indeed.

Here's some proof:

For more details, check out Clay's official forum, or the Paradigm site and board.

Thursday, March 18, 2004


The elastic's about to snap on this thing again.
If when you next view it I'm not here, have a shuffle over to for me, please? :D

Monday, March 15, 2004

So, this mute walks into a bar.....

I've lost the ability to talk.
Not literally, my voice is fine.
I just have fuck all to say, if in fact I ever did have anything to say.
I can reply to people, I can make sarcastic comments, quips, funny one liners.
I can give my opinion on things, I can answer questions.

But I can't talk just for the sake of talking.
I can't even do small talk well lately.
I can't fill in the gaps and end up stuck in silence.

Looking back, I never have been really.
I've been a big mouthed asshole for the last 4 years, but I've never really had much to say.
I've just spoken shit occasionally, loud enough to get noticed.

I try and end sentences as quickly as possible, giving as little detail in the least amount of words possible.
I leave things to the last moment and generally don't deem a lot of stuff important.

Even on here, days go by without updates.
And when I do update it's mainly bullshit, or links to other people's stuff.
I haven't done thoughtful in ages.

And there's loads of shit I never got round to talking about; blur live, the Saachi gallery, Lost In Translation, Jongleurs comedy club, seeing people die in car crashes.

Fuck knows, maybe it'll sort itself out in 7 weeks.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

John Peel Is Not Enough!

UK Hardcore has managed to get a guest spot on the UK's National Radio 1 station. This one off guest show will be hosted by Hixxy and Sharkey and include very short set's / interviews with Scott Brown, Darren Styles, Dougal, Jon Doe, Brisk, Ham, Sy and Kevin Energy.

The feedback from this show could well gain UK Hardcore a full time show if it receives a good amount of attention. This is where we need your help! The show will be on Thursday the 18th of March 2004 from 12 midnight to 2am Uk time. This is a late time and a lot of listenners would usually be tucked up in bed at this time BUT - The great news is the show will be aired on the BBC website for the following week. The show archive will be there for your listening pleasure as from Friday the 19th of March. For those listening LIVE there are a whole load of unique give aways from each DJ on the show.

Also, take a look at and support the official campaign for a regular national radio show devoted to kick drum music faster than 140bpm!

Quirky. I don't get the point, but it's quirky. And I like it.

As seen on stickers in several places in the university lift.

Currently Playing: Ethos & Dan Devotion - Raw Power

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

So, um, yeah...

.. hey, how are you?

Saturday, March 06, 2004

What the fuck??????? (Or Stupidity begats Stupidy part 2)

As seen on my bottle of shampoo today:

'Beauty is inside but the outside gets you noticed.'

When in the name of Motherfucking Hubbard and her motherfucking cupboard did shampoo bottles start becoming all faux-deep and philosophical yet so infuriatingly clichéd at the same time????

Currently Playing: DJ Mishka's Mad Gay Mafia - The Pioneers Of The Underground (DVD Porn Mix)

Truer Words Were Never Spoken

ComicsKerouac: Remind me and I'll tell you of the women crap later so you can laugh at me
PhlpThomas: *makes note*
ComicsKerouac: Heh
ComicsKerouac: I honestly believe you'd leave a litle post-it on your monitor, too
ComicsKerouac: "Ask Mike about women thing and laugh at him"
PhlpThomas: I'm blogging the note, man
ComicsKerouac: ...
ComicsKerouac: Cheeky bastard, you are
ComicsKerouac: Prat!

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Not-so Huzzah!

I feel like shit.

It's probably a cold at most but I feel so physically drained.
I know what it is though, I've been working my arse off for a presentation tomorrow and not getting much sleep due to various things.

I've got a bit more to do tonight, and then I'm gonna try and get about 8 hrs sleep, before I actually go in and present tomorrow, which should be fun with the amount of snot dripping from my nose.

After that, I plan on sleeping for the weekend.
So I have no clue when my next post will be.


Alpha Flight (Vol.3) #1 hit the streets this week

Written by Scott Lobdell (X-Men, Buffy, High Roads) with art by Clayton Henry (Rings Of Wu-Tang, Exiles) if you're after light hearted adventure, this is the title for you.

If you agree, head on over to the best unofficial site on the net.

Hee hee

Radio One's recent One Night Stand shows are now up on the 'net available for streaming in Real media format.
The first hour was presented by the incredibly hilarious Avid Merrion, with an appearance by Chris Moyles and his chubby fingers, so if you're a fan, go have a listen.

Also, if you're in the UK there's a competition to win Avid's signed neck brace.
If you can't stand him, enter anyway and send it to me if you win :D

Stupidity begats Stupidity

Ok, so I'm in town and there's a clothes shop, and in the windows, are these printed posters saying "Caution: Glass"

Now, please enlighten me if I'm wrong, but does anyone that goes shopping for clothes honestly not realise windows don't have glass in them?

Making Gormlessness an artform since 1980.

Currently Playing: Lost Prophets - Cry Me A River

Wednesday, March 03, 2004


Quite a fucking day.

I ended up being awake for an ungodly amount of hours.
And pretty much just passed out towards the end.

Sam ended up in A&E with first degree burns to her arms.

I was in the middle of a lecture at the time and really just wanted to drive her down there, but couldn't.
I felt like such a cunt, not being able to help her.
If anything, this highlighted my fucking important need for a car, ASAP.
Her friends were able to take her down there, and she eventually got sorted, but I still just felt really shitty, and helpless.
Thankfully, she's not too bad off.

Whereas I just spent pretty much the majority of the day slumped over a lightbox in a room with no air conditioning and the radiators cranked up to the max, without stopping to eat or drink, thus physically exhausting myself and pretty much making myself ill.

I still feel like a fucktard for it.

I did however get 132 keyframe pages done though, although the last hours worth were a bit sloppy....

Not a day I wanna repeat again.

Monday, March 01, 2004

Y'know... she's right

In response to this, which was in turn in response to this, I give (well, I say give I mean blatantly steal) you this:


Spike on Mike:

For the previously thought to be original version of events visit here


Okay, my bandwidth problems are now sorted, so the main site has returned with a bit of an underconstruction revamp going on.

To catch up on any posts you've missed over the last 2 weeks click and read up from here

Should more bandwidth problems occur(likely to be in a fortnights time), I'll be moving over to a temporary location here.