World Dumbination - Stupidity Ad Infinininitum

Saturday, March 27, 2004

Dawn of the Dead (2004)

I'll start off by owning up to something; I haven't seen the original DOTD.
That I know of.
There's a chance I may have at some point without knowing it and it's just blended in.
I've watched a lot of classic horror late at night over the years.

So, basically I don't know how much of the praise to give to the original and how much to give to this adapted re-written screenplay.

So I'm not gonna bother.

I enjoyed the film a lot.
I like seeng horror films on the big screen.
Obviously I wasn't old enough to see the classics in this format so I enjoy the chance to see modern horror films in this way.
Lately though I haven't seen anything that I can actually class as horror.
Everything's had these Evil Dead-esque comedy moments that fuck the film up for me.
DOTD doesn't have too many of these, which probably explains why I enjoyed it.
There were a couple of predictable moments that were groanworthy, but overall it wasn't bad to watch.
The acting was pretty good too, not wooden or over the top IMO.

If I had to find something to pick at it'd be the selection of music used within the film, the majority of which I really didn't feel fitted.

The ending credits were nice to watch though, a different approach to presenting them.

And yes, being a horror film it has the obligatory tit-shots, so you can all rest easy.


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