World Dumbination - Stupidity Ad Infinininitum

Sunday, December 31, 2006

At this very moment...

At this very moment...
Originally uploaded by worlddumbination.
... I'm drinking what hopefully is my last alcoholic drink ever. If it's not then I have no will. Alcohol has been part of my life for the last 14 years. 14 years... that's longer than 99% of the frienships/relationships I have now. The only people I still know from back then are my immediate family and the man that will be my best man if I ever get hitched. That's over half of it that I've fucked up, that I've messed up, that I've wasted, forgotten and thrown up. From here on in, I'm in control and can do whatever I want with my life. Here's to the future....

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

This is the end.... My only friend.....

The beginning of the end, or the end of the beginning however, I'm not sure...

I'm reaching a few curve points in my life, both personally and 'career' wise so I think it's time to get a bit of focus.
I'm spreading myself around various places and trying to streamline some thoughts.

So from now on....

.whoreage. - This place, you're here now. Reading this. As we speak.
Untill I make the decision to jump back into actually paying for webspace this is going to be my semi-regular home from home. However I'm keeping this place for more professional thangs. Any thoughts on art, and drawings and updates etcetera will be here. - All my 'artwork' in one place, feel free to comment and watch and all that malarky... - The infamous myspazz, faker of friends, perver of women and general whorer of attention. Here I'll be throwing down any general rants and alcohol based schenanigans. - Early in it's development, but a networking site purely for the comics side of things. I have nothing to add/announce.... yet....

That's about it for now :D