World Dumbination - Stupidity Ad Infinininitum

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Total Immersion

I didn't make this...
Originally uploaded by worlddumbination.
Okay, so I live in a city with a large art university. Funnily enough it's where I studied. The community around me is quite an artistic one, yet at a infant stage in it's development. There's lots of artistic types around, and lots of schemes and projects in the works. This is pretty reassuring to me, and gives me some confidence and encouragement when I need it. I'm not sure exactly what it is I'm going to do, or how I'm going to do it, but I KNOW that I am going to do it. Whatever IT is.
As to the total immersion... within this city of artistic types, there's a lot of grafitti around. Legally it's vandalism, but it's not just your usual tagging and obscene gestures everywhere. There's loads of really creative really cool artwork everywhere around the town, from Banksy-esque template spraypaintings to full works of art. There's one particular tunnel that leads from the pub/club side of town to the university art block (and local football ground), which for the last 4 years has had stuff painted on the inside. Every summer the government will paint over it, and a few days later a new 'gallery' of artwork will be there for public consumption. I can't remember what was up the first three years I lived here, but the (educational) year just gone by there was an amazing, lifesize painting of the Grim Reaper. I've included a dodgy phone cam pic of one of the more impressive pics wiht this post, an when I get my new digital camera I plan on collecting a whole web-album of stuff around here. I've got no part in any of it; I wish I was that artistic, but I'm not. It's just stuff that's really cool, that I appreciate. Hopefully the Reaper'll be there.


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