Cellar Door Publishing launches with "Shocking Gun Tales"

"Grab your weapon of choice and load up for this lethal new series of firearm adventures! A diverse group of creators bring you into point blank range for heated gunplay and fatal consequences. Each amazing story focuses on a character and his exploits in deadly shell-popping action!"
48pgs, B&W $4.99(US)
Order Code: "JUN05 2871"
Ships August 2005
(Previews June 2005, Pg 252/254)
Preview Pages
Press Release
SHOCKING GUN TALES is a diverse collection of short stories thatbrings you into point blank range for heated gunplay and fatal consequences Each amazing story focuses on a character and their exploits in deadly shell popping action!
"SHOCKING GUN TALES is one of those books that you just have a blast putting together," said creator/writer George T. Singley. "Each of the
Chimaera Studios creators involved in the project put their heart and soul into offering the reader a unique experience with each story. SHOCKING GUN TALES has something for everyone... I can't wait for you guys to see this book."
"SHOCKING GUN TALES is one of those rare books in that, once you pick it up, you simply can't put it down," states Dodge. "It's a really good read with some very powerful stories."
I seriously urge anyone vaguely interested in comics, graphic novels, sequential art and quality writing in general to check this out.
If you've got any questions drop me a mail.
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