Flied lice you plick!

I have to send a picture to this. Didnt have a clue of what, so you have my vodka club card. Are these things actually working? Mail my aol bitches! Worked a 12 hr shift today. Only gonna get paid for 9. Re-fucking-sult :-l And yes a smiley counts as a fullstop. Or period you fuckers. Had a great conversation with a customer today. 25 mins of her screaming 'Stop fucking lying little boy, you are not the most senior person here you fucking pratt, Im not going till you give me a fucking refund!' She went, practically crying when i wouldnt budge. And yeah, fuck capital i's it involves more key presses. Anyway, no wonder work want to promote me. Better stop talking about work else i'll end up like peter. I'm off to the pub in a bit - a 'quiet' drink. Umm... yeah. Chilling to josh wink, baby d and the liberators at the mo. Late shift tomorrow so lay in thank fuck. I got my knob out in the snowfall at 3am this morning. Randomness as i go. Spiffy plinth.
See, this is the reason I read this blog ... random references to Phil's Penis (even if he's abusing it by hauling it out in freezing temps).
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