This is your life... and it's ending one day at a time.
In five days I'll have finished this semester at uni.
Which means two weeks off (which will probably be spent doing all the washing and tidying I've put off whilst getting work done over the last few months), and then back for 12 more weeks.
And then that's it.
It's creeping up closer and closer.
My work is suprisingly done.
All I've got to do is some last minute editing, and then the burning of cd's and/or putting onto VHS.
It's strange that I'm not in some mad ass rush.
Which makes me think that I'm going to fail.
I'm sure that it shouldn't be this easy.
As ever with my work, I'm pleased with the concept, but some of the visuals aren't completely up to scratch.
I know this is starting to sound like a broken record, but it helps.
The more I vent about it, the more likely I am to do something about it.
I've got a stack of Gamecube games that are waiting to be played;
Zelda needs finishing from the summer.
Bomberman Generations and Wolverine's Revenge need more playtime.
Megaman Network Transmission, Resident Evil Zero and Metroid Prime I haven't even had time to touch.
I've been playing Mario Kart:Double Dash amongst renders. It's something to crack on with for 5 minutes at a time whilst my pc's chugging away, that doesn't take too much intelligence.
I'm looking at getting the broadband adapter soon, so it shluld be a laugh if that happens.
Music wise... I'm at a lull.
The christmas period has slowed down the distribution of vinyl, but hopefully there should be some nice slabs of plastic coming out soon.
Cd wise, the market's dry as ever.
If anyone has any suggestions of new music for me, drop us a line.
Dvd's, I've almost finished watching Season One of The Shield again. Damn good stuff as ever.
I've got Season One of Twin Peaks to go next.
TV.. well there's fuck all ever on. The least said the better.
Comics... Paradigm's officially on a year's hiatus, so that's one highlight gone, Shadows has been effectively cancelled as of #4 so that's gone too.
I'm not very upbeat at the moment.
Weapon X continues to interest and amuse me, Ultimates when it comes out.
Ultimate Fantastic Four #1 seemed a bit average to be fair. Not even Bendis, Millar and Kubert can make the FF interesting for me, it seems.
Wanted #1 was an alright read, partly for JG Jones' amazing art, so I'll follow that for it's length.
Kabuki hits next month, and on a hopefully bright side Alpha Flight volume 3 in March. My digits are crossed.
I haven't read a book since I finished work in October.
As with other stuff at the moment, I haven't got time to give anything much concentration other than work. I can get quick snatches in here and there, as with the posting on here, but I can't really read like that.
I plan to try and rectify this though.
Neal Stephenson's Quicksilver is looking a distinct possibility at the moment....
And this is pretty much, my life.
In five days I'll have finished this semester at uni.
Which means two weeks off (which will probably be spent doing all the washing and tidying I've put off whilst getting work done over the last few months), and then back for 12 more weeks.
And then that's it.
It's creeping up closer and closer.
My work is suprisingly done.
All I've got to do is some last minute editing, and then the burning of cd's and/or putting onto VHS.
It's strange that I'm not in some mad ass rush.
Which makes me think that I'm going to fail.
I'm sure that it shouldn't be this easy.
As ever with my work, I'm pleased with the concept, but some of the visuals aren't completely up to scratch.
I know this is starting to sound like a broken record, but it helps.
The more I vent about it, the more likely I am to do something about it.
I've got a stack of Gamecube games that are waiting to be played;
Zelda needs finishing from the summer.
Bomberman Generations and Wolverine's Revenge need more playtime.
Megaman Network Transmission, Resident Evil Zero and Metroid Prime I haven't even had time to touch.
I've been playing Mario Kart:Double Dash amongst renders. It's something to crack on with for 5 minutes at a time whilst my pc's chugging away, that doesn't take too much intelligence.
I'm looking at getting the broadband adapter soon, so it shluld be a laugh if that happens.
Music wise... I'm at a lull.
The christmas period has slowed down the distribution of vinyl, but hopefully there should be some nice slabs of plastic coming out soon.
Cd wise, the market's dry as ever.
If anyone has any suggestions of new music for me, drop us a line.
Dvd's, I've almost finished watching Season One of The Shield again. Damn good stuff as ever.
I've got Season One of Twin Peaks to go next.
TV.. well there's fuck all ever on. The least said the better.
Comics... Paradigm's officially on a year's hiatus, so that's one highlight gone, Shadows has been effectively cancelled as of #4 so that's gone too.
I'm not very upbeat at the moment.
Weapon X continues to interest and amuse me, Ultimates when it comes out.
Ultimate Fantastic Four #1 seemed a bit average to be fair. Not even Bendis, Millar and Kubert can make the FF interesting for me, it seems.
Wanted #1 was an alright read, partly for JG Jones' amazing art, so I'll follow that for it's length.
Kabuki hits next month, and on a hopefully bright side Alpha Flight volume 3 in March. My digits are crossed.
I haven't read a book since I finished work in October.
As with other stuff at the moment, I haven't got time to give anything much concentration other than work. I can get quick snatches in here and there, as with the posting on here, but I can't really read like that.
I plan to try and rectify this though.
Neal Stephenson's Quicksilver is looking a distinct possibility at the moment....
And this is pretty much, my life.
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