A new day, a new dawn, a new lining of fur on my tongue.
Last night after I'd completed my self set work quota for the day, I ended up engaging in some alcohol consumption and fuelled conversation with Dave, which turned into a really cool evening.
We discussed everything from David Cronenberg to Asia Carrerra (Watch the hits I'll get from that from google now) to the mystery of women, and a whole load of shit in between.
It was a nice relaxing night, going into the small hours of the morning.
No deep and meaningfuls, no putting the world to rights, no far out far-fetched crazy scheming, just general chitchatting.
I came up with something profound to type here about it all, and about life in general.
At least I think I did anyway, it might possibly have been a dream.
And it's not alcoholic forgetfulness before you say it :P
For now, the only part I remember is Britney Spears.
By now most have you have probably heard about her wedding to childhood friend Jason Alexander(And no, no Seinfeld jokes, they've been killed to death already).
And by wedding I mean the equivalent of standing in speakers corner naked, handing out £50 notes and screaming "GIVE ME ATTENTION NOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!" at the top of her ever so annoying voice.
Apparantly she's having it annulled now.
Shit, who'da thought...
We discussed everything from David Cronenberg to Asia Carrerra (Watch the hits I'll get from that from google now) to the mystery of women, and a whole load of shit in between.
It was a nice relaxing night, going into the small hours of the morning.
No deep and meaningfuls, no putting the world to rights, no far out far-fetched crazy scheming, just general chitchatting.
I came up with something profound to type here about it all, and about life in general.
At least I think I did anyway, it might possibly have been a dream.
And it's not alcoholic forgetfulness before you say it :P
For now, the only part I remember is Britney Spears.
By now most have you have probably heard about her wedding to childhood friend Jason Alexander(And no, no Seinfeld jokes, they've been killed to death already).
And by wedding I mean the equivalent of standing in speakers corner naked, handing out £50 notes and screaming "GIVE ME ATTENTION NOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!" at the top of her ever so annoying voice.
Apparantly she's having it annulled now.
Shit, who'da thought...
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