Fuck The New Millenium! Err... plus a few years...
Dependant on your definition/choice of when it started.
I've noticed so far this year that everyone I've seen and spoken to is rather... well "blah."
No one's upbeat, yet they're not totally depressed and devastated.
They're just numb.
Myself included.
The last few days have been odd.
I'm working my arse off, and starting to get results.
Yet I'm not excited by it.
It's all just "blah."
I need a really big event to change things methinks.
The trip to Amsterdam for New Years should have been that big event, but I suppose with having to come back and do two weeks more work after it was on my mind the whole time.
I dunno....
Maybe karma is just a bitch and everyone's being fucked over emotionally this year.
Or it could be summit to do with sunspots and all that astrology stuff.
Or not.
I've noticed so far this year that everyone I've seen and spoken to is rather... well "blah."
No one's upbeat, yet they're not totally depressed and devastated.
They're just numb.
Myself included.
The last few days have been odd.
I'm working my arse off, and starting to get results.
Yet I'm not excited by it.
It's all just "blah."
I need a really big event to change things methinks.
The trip to Amsterdam for New Years should have been that big event, but I suppose with having to come back and do two weeks more work after it was on my mind the whole time.
I dunno....
Maybe karma is just a bitch and everyone's being fucked over emotionally this year.
Or it could be summit to do with sunspots and all that astrology stuff.
Or not.
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