World Dumbination - Stupidity Ad Infinininitum

Sunday, December 21, 2003

The weekend has landed-ed.


I'm not sure what the hell's happened this weekend, but something definitely has.

I think my thoughts and comments about time a few days ago may have something to do with it though, because for some reason I've crammed absolutely loads in.

Yesterday I got up fairly early. Well, early for my usual Saturday routine, anyway.
despite only having about 4 hours sleep I was pretty awake and refreshed, so set about to getting stuck in with my workload for university.

I managed to polish off a sizable chunk and in a lot less time than I thought.
It's currently rendering out on the other computer at a rate of apporximately 1 hour a frame... Only another 30 odd hours to go.
Then repeat x4 :|

I managed to record a couple of new mixes, one yesterday, one today. Nothing special, but my mixing is coming together slowly. Taking in mind how rarely I get round to putting any together and how shit my mixer is, I'm pleased with them.

Yesterday I managed to get through 3 dvds; Live Forever, LA Confidential and Leon.
It took someone else to point out to me that they all began with L. Hmm.. (And Renee, if you happen to read this, thank you again for making me feel stupid :P )
In a strange coincidence The Fifth Element happened to be on TV last night, so I sat through that whilst being on here creating the image a few posts below, adding to my Besson/Oldman tally for the day.

I sat and read through a stack of comics I hadn't properly read, and managed to have a few hours kip in the afternoon.

A productive day for me.

Today began much the same, I got some more work done to start with. I'm scarilly starting to get used to StudioMax's interface, which is something I never thought possible 3 months ago.

I then caught up with some people I hadn't spoken to in a while, and set off to the shops.

I hate leaving the house in December, but today was surprisingly empty.
I needed to pick up some more wrapping paper which, again, led to the comment 2 posts down.

I'm backtracking and referencing a lot today, eh?

After getting the wrapping done (which was done to the amazing sight that is Jingle All The Way), I sorted out the 2nd mix, (as mentioned above - wow, it works both ways!) and then set about updating my catalogues of records and comics, that I'd been getting slack on lately(Yup, I'm that anally retentive, I keep lists of pretty much everything I own recorded).

I then read for a bit more, and am now sat ere doing this.

Now, I know that having it all down in typed words it doesn't seem much, and people reading this will be wondering why the fuck I'm getting so excited about it, but hey... this is my life, make of it what you will.


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