World Dumbination - Stupidity Ad Infinininitum

Friday, December 26, 2003

LOTR:ROTK & Other assorted abbreviations... maybe.

It's been over a week since I saw this now, and I've found some time to actually give it a write up it deserves.

I'm not going to touch the plot of the film.
There's no point in me attempting to pick fault in the story, it's exacty what it sets out to be, and doesn't pretend to be anything other than.

The films are glorious, and this one is no exception; a visual feast of eye candy for all.
Some people may get bored of looking at it for 3 and half hours, but then that's their look out.
The film wasn't merely just puff-visuals, it had all the substance of the books behind them.

I can remember reading the stories as a young child and having them brought to life on the big screen after all this time has been great.
I don't get adults that ejaculate over Harry Potter, both the books and the films.
Harry Potter is a children's book.
I really don't see the attraction.
LOTR however was a children's book when I was a child.
Before I was a child.
This is something that's taken my entire life to be turned into feature films worthy of the books.
And they still stand up for the next generation of children.

ROTK was a worthy end to the trilogy, and while the ending was adjusted for hollywood it still worked.
In my opinion this film was probably on par with the second; there were more individual battles and fights, rather than the one large epic battle in TTT which will probably make it easier for non-fans to sit and watch.
Both of them are still beaten by FOTR, though.

My complaints with this one are visual.
The SFX in this part didn't seem to be up to scratch with the previous one.
Gollum didn't look as well, and the scenes with Sam fighting the giant spider, and Legolas climbing onto the elephant looked, to me, pretty shoddy in places.
Maybe I'm just nitpicking, but that's my area of attention.

There's no way I'm going to give the film a negative review, and I'll pick up the extended DVD eventually, so it's all just nitpicking.

But hey, that's me :D


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