World Dumbination - Stupidity Ad Infinininitum

Friday, October 24, 2003

I hate this city/country/world pts 1-3

1) It's that time of the year again, already teenage twats are lighting fireworks and throwing them out the window of dbl decker buses. During the day. In broad daylight.

2) The other night a group of about 7 teenage males "attempted to mug me" for cigarettes with the phrase "Oi mate, gis a cig or we'll kick yer head in."
When I pointed out I didn't smoke and therefore had no cigarettes on me, I got "We'll let ya go this time then, yer lucky."
So, my wallet bursting with money and my new mobile weren't good enough, yet a single cigarette would have been? Words escape me...

3) I was returning home from an afternoon at the cinema (Kill Bill, review to come) and as I walked I decided to kick through the autumn leaves lining the pavement (which makes a change from the puke that normally does) when I kicked something that wasn't quite leaves. Or even stationary. The squeaking noise kinda told me as much.
What crawls over my foot, but a dirty great big rat.
Now, I know people in this country have a tendancy to exaggerate the size of rodents, but I swear (Hmm, they tend to say that too) that it's body was the size of my foot (8 1/2 - 9 UK, yes I have small feet) and it's tail about the same.
Suffice to say I wasn't impressed.


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