Flop Idols
Let's make something clear from the start....
I fucking hate reality tv.
With an extreme passion.
Hate hate hate.
The people on them, be they gameshows, docusoaps or whatever the fuck next the television industry decide to inflict upon us next, are complete and utter boring cunts.
Why, why, why the fucking fuck do people sit in the houses night after night and watch these people do fuck all? (And yes, I appreciate the irony in you reading this, but it's different.)
Yet that's not the worst part... why the fuck do people spend money doing so???? Buying special channels just to have 24/7 round the clock coverage of people sleeping, feeding chickens or pissing in showers.
Or on sending texts to said shows?
How people find this entertaining and worth spending money on, I shall never know. I'm not knocking other people for doing so, as it's their money to spend, but I reaaaaaaaaally cannot see myself bothering with them.
And then there's the music based ones.
These irk me even more.
If someone has talent and wants to get into the music industry, then surely they'd find a way into it without TV? If they were that devoted to doing it. To making it.
So these TV shows take people who can obviously sing, and who want to be in the industry, and make it happen.
Now, surely that's just lazy on the industry's part?
Can't be arsed to talent scout? Get the mountain to come to Mohammed....
Surely a much more entertaining concept would be to find the absolute shittest singer in the country, then take them away for a month, 12 weeks (fill with other audition tapes, which I'd imagine can be the only part of the show which could be described as near entertainment), whatever the length of time is, and then to come back, and to have actually transformed them into a decent musician?
Then when they release their single, if they're still shit, at least they can fuck off into obscurity and not have to inflict themselves upon my fucking ears, and eyes 24 fucking 7!!!!
I fucking hate reality tv.
With an extreme passion.
Hate hate hate.
The people on them, be they gameshows, docusoaps or whatever the fuck next the television industry decide to inflict upon us next, are complete and utter boring cunts.
Why, why, why the fucking fuck do people sit in the houses night after night and watch these people do fuck all? (And yes, I appreciate the irony in you reading this, but it's different.)
Yet that's not the worst part... why the fuck do people spend money doing so???? Buying special channels just to have 24/7 round the clock coverage of people sleeping, feeding chickens or pissing in showers.
Or on sending texts to said shows?
How people find this entertaining and worth spending money on, I shall never know. I'm not knocking other people for doing so, as it's their money to spend, but I reaaaaaaaaally cannot see myself bothering with them.
And then there's the music based ones.
These irk me even more.
If someone has talent and wants to get into the music industry, then surely they'd find a way into it without TV? If they were that devoted to doing it. To making it.
So these TV shows take people who can obviously sing, and who want to be in the industry, and make it happen.
Now, surely that's just lazy on the industry's part?
Can't be arsed to talent scout? Get the mountain to come to Mohammed....
Surely a much more entertaining concept would be to find the absolute shittest singer in the country, then take them away for a month, 12 weeks (fill with other audition tapes, which I'd imagine can be the only part of the show which could be described as near entertainment), whatever the length of time is, and then to come back, and to have actually transformed them into a decent musician?
Then when they release their single, if they're still shit, at least they can fuck off into obscurity and not have to inflict themselves upon my fucking ears, and eyes 24 fucking 7!!!!
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