World Dumbination - Stupidity Ad Infinininitum

Sunday, December 28, 2003

Should old acquaintance... blah blah blah: 2003 In Review

I'm fucking off to Ammmmmmmmmmmmchsterdaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn for a week in a bit, to celebrate New Years, so they'll be no posts for that period.
That does however mean you get this early:

Well well well...

At the start of 2003 I set myself a series of things I'd liked to have done by now.

I've achieved none of them.

I have no house, no car and my bank balance is just as fucked as last year.

I've had no work published, although I've started sowing the seeds and may be able to reap the benefits by this point next year.
I'm not holding my breath though.

2003's been a strange year.
I've done a lot for myself this year, I've put me first and started taking steps to actually make myself completely happy.

I've pissed people off, I'm sure, but there we go.

I've made some important friendships this year, proper friends who won't stab me in the back, and that will last.
And possibly some potential creative partnerships as well.

2003 has been a year wherein I've grown creatively.
This site for one is a physical example, and while not being anything amazing, it's all mine. It's independant, and won't get ruined by other people.
People have been asking why I haven't got the ability to add comments after each post entry, and it's simply because I'm tired of people bringing shit up that doesn't need airing.
If the only way to keep this place how I want it is to make it solely mine, unfortunately that's the price I have to pay.

I've come on a lot with ideas, and development.
My thought processes are growing, and when I've got some time I should be able to produce something interesting at last.
I've been enjoying doing simple things such as photography and painting, and basically just getting on with stuff by myself.

Other than that, it's been more of the same as ever.

In 16 weeks I'll be an official bachelor of the arts.
Brown trousers time indeed.

After that... who knows?

But here's to 2004 and all it may hold.

I just want to say thank you to the people that count;

To Joe, Dave and Grandpa Mikeyboy Peterson. True friends one and all.
And to Sam, just for being her.

Have fun people, keep safe and happy hangovers.


Saturday, December 27, 2003

And they call it a "Smart Car?"

Car crash:

Smart Car:

Now try telling me that's "smart."

And don't gimme that 'cute' bullshit either :P

Friday, December 26, 2003

Life Is A Game We Play

There are some fucked up people in this world:

The object of the game is to stab between your fingers as many times as possible without accidentally limiting your touch-typing ability. Your knife-toting hand will automatically oscillate between your two most distant fingers. For example, if you still are the proud owner of a pinky and a thumb, your knife will travel the entire length of the screen. However, if you’ve only got a ring finger and a pinky left, your knife will hover over those two fingers, avoiding the gore-stained portion of the table where your detached digits are. This system ensures that the game doesn’t get progressively easier as you extirpate your extremities.

And not only is it avaliable online, you can also get it for your mobile.

What a wanker....

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: 25 December 2003 23:44
To: mailbox[at]worlddumbination[dot]com
Subject: i will send toiletries

i think you are filthy stinking dirty ph


Ahh well... Another part of the net tainted by Raygun's bullshit...

LOTR:ROTK & Other assorted abbreviations... maybe.

It's been over a week since I saw this now, and I've found some time to actually give it a write up it deserves.

I'm not going to touch the plot of the film.
There's no point in me attempting to pick fault in the story, it's exacty what it sets out to be, and doesn't pretend to be anything other than.

The films are glorious, and this one is no exception; a visual feast of eye candy for all.
Some people may get bored of looking at it for 3 and half hours, but then that's their look out.
The film wasn't merely just puff-visuals, it had all the substance of the books behind them.

I can remember reading the stories as a young child and having them brought to life on the big screen after all this time has been great.
I don't get adults that ejaculate over Harry Potter, both the books and the films.
Harry Potter is a children's book.
I really don't see the attraction.
LOTR however was a children's book when I was a child.
Before I was a child.
This is something that's taken my entire life to be turned into feature films worthy of the books.
And they still stand up for the next generation of children.

ROTK was a worthy end to the trilogy, and while the ending was adjusted for hollywood it still worked.
In my opinion this film was probably on par with the second; there were more individual battles and fights, rather than the one large epic battle in TTT which will probably make it easier for non-fans to sit and watch.
Both of them are still beaten by FOTR, though.

My complaints with this one are visual.
The SFX in this part didn't seem to be up to scratch with the previous one.
Gollum didn't look as well, and the scenes with Sam fighting the giant spider, and Legolas climbing onto the elephant looked, to me, pretty shoddy in places.
Maybe I'm just nitpicking, but that's my area of attention.

There's no way I'm going to give the film a negative review, and I'll pick up the extended DVD eventually, so it's all just nitpicking.

But hey, that's me :D

Winter Cleaning

Digging through the harddrives I came across these:

Thursday, December 25, 2003

Final Score


10 pairs of socks - 0 toiletries sets.

At least people aren't hinting I'm dirty this year, I suppose.

Yes it's Christmas, Yes I'm alone, Yes I'm online.

If you are too, thanks for dropping by.

Have a present

And Gawd bless us all.

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Umm yeah... just what I've always wanted....

A phrase many of us will be trying to pass off as genuinely as possible tomorrow, I'm sure, but in this case it's directed at something Amazon has recommended for me:

It's almost like I'm waggling my joystick all over again.

I loved my Master System as a child and Alex Kidd in Miracle World was brilliant.
And I thought the MS version of Sonic 2 was superior to the MD one. But that's just my opinion.

Ignore the comments on the site though, it's not even worth wasting your time reading them.

Monkey See, Monkey Do

As the year draws to a close I've been looking back at everything that's happened to me over it, and everything I've done.
I'll go into more detail in the next week, but one of the glaring points of this year is that I've become less intelligent.
Even looking at my writing on here, I've been writing less and less social commentary, thoughts, ideas, schemes etc.

A sort of counterpoint is that I've become more creative this year, but again, I'll go into that later.

I still stick with my theory though, and looking at it It's been happening over a gradual period of time.
Each year I'm becoming less and less intelligent.

And in tracing it back, I've found that the root lies just before I became 19, when I got my first mobile phone.

Now, I know this is probably speculation and shit, but I'm sure that the more I use my phone, the less well my brain continues to function and perform.
That the radiation and signal is literally frying away my brain cells.

Y'know when you put your phone next to a television screen and every so often you get the disturbance as it gets it's signal? The same thing's happening to my skull, I'm sure of it.
It's like that episode of The Simpsons with the Simpson gene.

Either that or alcohol.

Or wanking.

I don't know.

Monday, December 22, 2003

If I were a robot....

Hmm.. it's amazing the difference a few letters makes :D

Sunday, December 21, 2003

The weekend has landed-ed.


I'm not sure what the hell's happened this weekend, but something definitely has.

I think my thoughts and comments about time a few days ago may have something to do with it though, because for some reason I've crammed absolutely loads in.

Yesterday I got up fairly early. Well, early for my usual Saturday routine, anyway.
despite only having about 4 hours sleep I was pretty awake and refreshed, so set about to getting stuck in with my workload for university.

I managed to polish off a sizable chunk and in a lot less time than I thought.
It's currently rendering out on the other computer at a rate of apporximately 1 hour a frame... Only another 30 odd hours to go.
Then repeat x4 :|

I managed to record a couple of new mixes, one yesterday, one today. Nothing special, but my mixing is coming together slowly. Taking in mind how rarely I get round to putting any together and how shit my mixer is, I'm pleased with them.

Yesterday I managed to get through 3 dvds; Live Forever, LA Confidential and Leon.
It took someone else to point out to me that they all began with L. Hmm.. (And Renee, if you happen to read this, thank you again for making me feel stupid :P )
In a strange coincidence The Fifth Element happened to be on TV last night, so I sat through that whilst being on here creating the image a few posts below, adding to my Besson/Oldman tally for the day.

I sat and read through a stack of comics I hadn't properly read, and managed to have a few hours kip in the afternoon.

A productive day for me.

Today began much the same, I got some more work done to start with. I'm scarilly starting to get used to StudioMax's interface, which is something I never thought possible 3 months ago.

I then caught up with some people I hadn't spoken to in a while, and set off to the shops.

I hate leaving the house in December, but today was surprisingly empty.
I needed to pick up some more wrapping paper which, again, led to the comment 2 posts down.

I'm backtracking and referencing a lot today, eh?

After getting the wrapping done (which was done to the amazing sight that is Jingle All The Way), I sorted out the 2nd mix, (as mentioned above - wow, it works both ways!) and then set about updating my catalogues of records and comics, that I'd been getting slack on lately(Yup, I'm that anally retentive, I keep lists of pretty much everything I own recorded).

I then read for a bit more, and am now sat ere doing this.

Now, I know that having it all down in typed words it doesn't seem much, and people reading this will be wondering why the fuck I'm getting so excited about it, but hey... this is my life, make of it what you will.

I'm not alone in the world

Comics + Monkeys = ComicBookGorillarama


It's official...

I'm fucking shit at wrapping presents.

It comes as no suprise to me, but I just thought I'd share.

Gnawing Away.

I've just done this, I dunno why, and it has no actual context, but hey :D :

Friday, December 19, 2003

Please lord, no....

Fight Club: The Game.

We heard about this one a while back, and to be honest, we didn't actually believe that it could be true. Nonetheless, ignoring the fact that Fincher's film of Palahniuk's novel seemed to attack and condemn consumerist fare like videogames, a version of Fight Club is on its way to Xbox and PS2.
Fight Club the movie concerned itself with release through violence, gradually building into a splendidly nihilistic attack on society. Examples included cinema projectionists splicing pornography into reels of films meant for family audiences, and shaven headed fight enthusiasts blowing up buildings to a Pixies soundtrack.

Marvellous stuff, naturally, and it's to be hoped that the game can retain a similarly spiky feel. Developed by US dev co Genuine Games, details are thin on the ground though we're promised the game will feature, not unreasonably, fighting of a "realistic" nature. And for realistic, it's probably safe to assume the developer means "brutal"

Published by Vivendi Universal, Fight Club is expected to be relieving itself in unsuspecting restaurant-goers' soups from late 2004. Check out the first screens right here.

There aren't enough minutes in the day....

Time travel isn't possible because we don't actually know the scope of what time is.

We base a day on one rotation of the planet.
We've decided that a day consists of 24 hours.

Who decided these things?
That one rotation is one day?
That one day consists of 24 hrs, an hour of minutes, minutes of seconds etc etc?

"Time" as we know it is only a creation of convenience for humans.

What if what we consider a year was only in actual fact, the equivalent of a millisecond?
Any time travel attempts would be seriously out of place by decimal points.

Put into context of the lifespan of the universe, what if the universe had an average lifespan of 80 years?
We assume the universe is either infinite, or just aging at the same speed that we are.
Simply because we as humans appear to age within a year, it doesn't mean that the universe does.

Teleportation would suffer from similar problems, I'd imagine.

Thursday, December 18, 2003

The word according to Philip

Numbers 15-10 And thou shalt bring for a drink offering half an hin of wine, [for] an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD.
Ecclesiastes 9-7 Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart; for God now accepteth thy works.
Song of Solomon 5-1 I am come into my garden, my sister, [my] spouse- I have gathered my myrrh with my spice; I have eaten my honeycomb with my honey; I have drunk my wine with my milk- eat, O friends; drink, yea, drink abundantly, O beloved.
John 4-46 So Jesus came again into Cana of Galilee, where he made the water wine. And there was a certain nobleman, whose son was sick at Capernaum.

Monday, December 15, 2003

To preserve the moment...

ComicsKerouac: How can six people be so quiet?
PhlpThomas: Cos they're eating pizza?
ComicsKerouac: They are not!
ComicsKerouac: Shut up shut up shut up!
PhlpThomas: :D
ComicsKerouac: :'(
PhlpThomas: Ahh... revenge is a dish best served piping hot with a stuffed crust and extra pepperoni...

Sunday, December 14, 2003

It was only a matter of time...

I ♥ The 80's

As 80's revival mania has taken over the last few years, I think it's fitting to bring X-Entertainment to everyone's attention.

No, despite the name it's not pornography.
Trust me, it's well worth a look.

Although it is American, a lot of the products drifted over this far and reached me so I'm sure many of you will remember them too.

Check out the downloads section to see what I mean.

Though a pop up stopper may be useful...

Friday, December 12, 2003

As a great man once said: "It's funny 'cos it's true."


I'd just like to thank whoever found the this site by searching for the phrase "how to take care of chipmonks"

Obviously they got here via the "I swear like a fucking foul mouthed trooper having his bollocks gnawn at by rabid chipmonks whilst having red hot pokers inserted up his anal passage and a ten tonne weight dropped on his head (although that would probably be a bit muffled, come to think of it)." part.

If you liked what you saw and happen to still be reading, please, please, PLEASE drop me a retaliation mail.
I wish to congratulate you for making my web stat reading an enjoyable and hilarious experience. :D

Thursday, December 11, 2003

The google bomb

It's a long article, but worth a read.

The highlights:
What's a Google Bomb?

Google Bombs were conceived last April as part of a brilliant gag by Adam Mathes. In his own words:

Google is unique among search engines in that while it almost always shows you pages that have the exact keywords you are looking for, occasionally it will show you pages that don't have those keywords, but other pages linked to that page with those words.

This article I'm writing may be about Google Bombs... but if enough sites linked to it using the phrase "Aunt Jemima," then this article might come up as the first search result for "Aunt Jemima." In other words, the linker can impact the Google Rank of the linkee.

And thus was born the Google Bomb.

So people, there we have it.

Wherever possible link my name to this site, and one day I'll be the #1 Phil ;) :D

Say my name, bitch!

Okay, I've got a common as fuck name, I admit it.

Three times today, three different people yelled my name in the town centre and each time I turned round they were shouting to a different Phil.

Fucking annoying.

On a related note, here's the googlism for my name.

One's picked at random:

phil is poised for his new talk show
phil is not gay
phil is planning to buy some sort of plastic penis at san fransisco
phil is undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy for a cancer in his head that extends into the frontal lobes of his brain
phil is by chubby bunny
phil is "getting real" and helping you unlock your root core and create your life the way it was meant to be
phil is soooo fit
phil is naughty pee story
phil is god
phil is right

Kudos to Mike, without whom I'd never have been able to shamefully steal the googlism link.

Well, well, well...

I'm pretty chuffed at the moment.

I managed to get my 6 paintings in 7 days done. Cos hey, even God rested for one day.
I chose Tuesday.

I'm really pleased with how the final one came out.
The first one wasn't too bad at all either, for me.
That's not to say I don't like the others though ;)

Work for uni's going alright at the moment as well.
I might not be ahead, but I'm not behind.
Yet I'm not on target either.

But I'm floating around it, and near enough to it.

I'm healthy, I'm happy and I have the love of a good woman.
Things are actually pretty "cool" for once.
Time and date have now been officially noted, and reality check police are on standby.
The end could well be nigh, children.

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Today's mood summed up in one picture

More to come whenever my head is out of my arse...

Monday, December 08, 2003

Reasons Jeremy Haun is a cruel man :P

From: jerhaun
To: Phil
Posted: Dec 08, 2003 12:13 am
Subject: Re: Question
fuck you asshole!!!
see mike's message from me for the full report.

or maybe YOU GUYS GUESSED THE END OF THE FUCKING BOOK YOU FUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just fucking with you.
the ending to paradigm is going to be a bit more epic.
not that your idea wasn't good.
chris has already made his mistake.
for somethings there is no turning back.
now i'm gonna go eat pizza.

oh and...


for good measure.

From: jerhaun
To: Phil
Posted: Dec 08, 2003 12:14 am
Subject: Re: Question
we still love ya!
now off to eat pizza!


Now, I know that makes no sense at all to most of you, but hey ho ;)

Sunday, December 07, 2003

Because It's Nearly Christmas

Have a photo I took today ;)

Guess who's back... Blogger's back.

I had shitloads to say earlier, but Blogger being down made me forget it.

Of course if it were that important I'd have written it down, so it wasn't Shakespear or owt.

I've got 2 paintings done over the last 2 days which is good for me.
They're not amazing, but I quite like 'em, and I've really enjoyed doing them.
To me that's the point, I love sitting for a few hours getting into it.

Of course, if I end up with shite then it pisses me off afterwards I suppose...

My problem is I tend to keep going back and end up overdoing it and spoiling it.

Ahh well, I've had fun :D

But in fun, I've neglected my work.

If I could just survive painting for myself I'd be happy.
There's no way I could ever sustain a living from it though. No fucker would ever actually want to buy them...

Friday, December 05, 2003


Yeah, I know I've been wittering on about the series for a while, infrequently.

But the good man known as Rabs reminded me to do something I meant to do a while back:

Click here for the whole of the first issue, in full for free in virtual goodness.

Just give it a try.

For me?

If you like what you see, gimme a mail. ;)

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Excuses Time Again :D

Yup, it's about that time where I apologise for not filling these pages with the usual shite I put in.

I'm working my arse off at the moment, which I know is kinda rare :P

It's all shit though, which isn't :D


I know I haven't reviewd the blur gig yet, despite it being a week ago, but there we go.
It's no reflection on it, the gig was fucking amazing.
The pics are up in the gallery section though.


And, for anyone that cares (and you all should!) be sure to grab a copy of Paradigm #12, the last issue for the next year....
Apparantly I have a mention in it, which is always nice :D
I'll be picking mine up in 16 hours.

Tick.. tick.. tick...

Back to fucking about with cuntish programs now :D

Monday, December 01, 2003

Fucking Hotmail

Yeah, that's right, FUCK YOU!

Why am I still getting shitloads of spam?

Ooh, could it be because there's a limit on the amount of e-mail address you can block?

Is it because this amount is ridiculously small?

Is it because I've reached this limit and are still getting shitmillion and one mails a day offering me fucking Paris Hilton's sex tape?


There is sanity in the world...

Last Disney departs amid rancour

Roy Disney, nephew of Walt Disney and vice-chairman of the entertainment giant, has resigned and called on chairman Michael Eisner to do the same.
Mr Disney attacked Mr Eisner's leadership in a letter released ahead of a Disney board meeting this week.

"You and I have had serious differences of opinion about the... style of management in the company," he wrote.

He said the Walt Disney company had "lost its focus, its creative energy and its heritage" under Mr Eisner.

"You have driven a wedge between me and those I work with... I find this intolerable", Mr Disney said.


Mr Disney has worked for the company since 1967, and led the expansion of Disney's animation department since 1984.

He has been angered what he sees as Mr Eisner's strategic blunders.

In particular, Disney has been hit by problems at the television network ABC, which it acquired in the mid-1990s.

And its theme park division, which Mr Disney said had been run over-cautiously by Mr Eisner, has suffered falling attendances.

"You have tried to build parks 'on the cheap' and they show it and attendance figures reflect it," Mr Disney said in his letter.

He bemoaned what he characterised as the "rapacious, soul-less" corporate culture introduced by Mr Eisner, under which long-term public trust and affection had been sacrificed for the sake of short-term financial gain.

Stanley Gold, a fellow director and an ally of Mr Disney, also announced his resignation.


*insert more expletives of choice here*

It's December.

Deep joy.

I really don't want to leave the house until after Boxing Day.